Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Reaction Paper: Jose Rizal Movie
While watching the movie, I clear observed similarities and differences of some scenes from todays youth. permits start discussing about the similarities. First affaire I defy observed is the harsh sermon attached by the colonials to our fellowmen especi e really last(predicate)y to women and children. They, if non physically, were verbally mistreat by the Spaniards. I compargond it to whats adventure in our society today and quite detect a similarity. It is similar in a federal agency that women and children, regular the men too, ar remedy hollod by foreign people and sometimes even our own people. They also treat them as slaves.Child sedulousness forcing minors to work has been a big bed. Women thraldom treating women as slaves, sex slaves to be exact has been an issue too. Nowadays, our people are still ab habituated and these are oftentimes d hotshot by those who allow the index finger like politicians and other well-illustrated persons. They think that wit h their wealth and agency they have the right to hurt our fellowmen. Even a small mistake or a irresolution ca accustoms the people who have the power to physically abuse our fellowmen because for them thats how they should be treated after what they have done.Next thing I have observed is the racial discrimination. As we have discussed in class, it is one of the evils during Rizals time. Filipinos who were flat-nosed and brown-skinned were labeled as Indios and the Spaniards being pale-complexioned were termed as Bangus or milkfish in English. The Filipinos who were called Indios had little privileges unlike the Milkfish people who had nigh of the privileges to themselves. The Spaniards look at them like they were as piddling as an ant and they were of no importance to them. external people thought that they were superiors against the Filipinos.They criticize them based on how they look and they treat them discourteously based on how rude their criticism on their looks is. i n that respect were assorted beliefs in anointing officials in where Spaniards have desired that Indios should not be allowed and do not deserve to be given a determine in each fields because for them they do not make each contri simplyions that would bring in our country. Fathers Gomez, Burgos and Zamoras (GomBurZa) execution was an example of how Spaniards dislike the feature that Indios are given a get hold to serve the country.For Spaniards, they were the only one who should have all the rights and freedom to do whatever they like and no one should be against them for if there was they would be killed. trine thing I have observed in the film was the rapaciousnessiness of the Spaniards for power. They wanted to be anointed at one time to a fructify where they have more big businessman to stamp down the Filipinos. And once they have the power to do things, they start to abuse it. The Spaniards had never been in party favour of what the Filipinos like.Actually, they were in favor of what the Filipinos disliked. Once they hear our fellowmen reacting rudely at their deeds, they start to make their lives miserable to permit them know that they are not to be messed with. Spaniards greed for power made them abuse their rights. They used their position to access more power which made the control more people. It is the same today. tribe still use their position to manipulate us. They are superior, they have the power, and they nominate do anything they like. So, what they do is they treat us rudely.For example, policemen now use their position to hurt and get funds from our fellowmen. They abuse their right to use materials which they should only use for defense. Another example is when a politician uses his position to manipulate people. They start to make people believe that their intentions are good but the truth is at the end of the day it is not. So what happens, people place them because they appear so nice and tend to do what theyve been told. Since they trust these politicians, they pull up stakes not question the things theyve been told to do.Then afterward on, it will turn out that they were used by these politicians for their own gain and not for our fellowmens sake. A common example of this is when politicians promise a curriculum to our people. They start trying to gain their trust. Once they have gained our fellowmens trust, they start to ask for favors like communicate them to some deeds, some which are illegal, and ask them for money. Our fellowmen will willingly oblige to what they have been asked for believing that it would benefit them.But sometimes, they do what they have been told because they are forced by these men who have the power to do so. fourth part thing I have observed is the maladministration of rightness e. In the movie, it was pretty obvious that the trial was just a scene so that our fellowmen would think that the Spaniards would still give Rizal a chance when in fact a decision h as been made before the trial. The Spaniards were very firm about their decision which was to execute Rizal. There was no justice there because Rizal was not given a chance to let off and prove to everyone that he was innocent.The Spaniards looked like they were in the trial listening but actually they turned into deaf the scrap Rizal started to explain himself. Comparing to todays situation, people are not given the chance to explain their selves because the moment a case has been filed against you they automatically make a decision which usually is for you to lose the case. Nowadays, only those who discharge afford justice can have justice. People who have enough wealth pay the one assigned for their case to win it whether they deserve it or not.
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